Lay Scanning
PD your own cows
4-day course
Scanning is the most accurate method of pregnancy diagnosing cows. In comparison to other methods, scanning is the most time-effective and puts minimal stress on the animals. The ability to date pregnancies and early determination of barren cows gives farmers a huge advantage in forward-planning.
This DEFRA and LANTRA approved course is aimed at non–veterinarians who wish to learn the art of pregnancy diagnosis for own-farm use or as a commercial enterprise.
- Theory of Ultrasonography
- Physiology of Reproduction
- Scanning Techniques
- Pelvic Region Anatomy
- Equipment comparison
- Early indication of individual and herd fertility
- Pre and post scanning management
- Biosecurity
This course is DEFRA approved. It is a DEFRA requirement for any non-vet to have completed an Approved Course to carry out cattle pregnancy scanning in the UK.