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Surgical Interventions for Advanced Lameness

1 - day course ( 7 CPD Hours )

This CPD course is for the cattle vet practitioner who wants to improve their understanding of bovine foot problems and develop skills for dealing with troublesome cases and lameness scenarios.

Why is this course for you?

Lameness is one of the big three cattle diseases. Anyone who gets into cattle chiropody will agree that not only is this work incredibly rewarding but that it is highly valued by farmers. Whilst lameness prevention is the ultimate goal, where better to begin than with expertise in truly understanding and dealing with lame cows.

This one day practical Veterinary CPD course is largely hands-on. Subjects to include:

  • Regional anaesthesia of the digit; consistently successful IVRAs
  • Digit amputation: 3 different methods; pros, cons, case selection, aftercare, optimising outcomes.
  • Alternatives to amputation, curettage, joint fenestration, radical resection, retroarticular abscess lavage
  • Interdigital growths, when and how to remove
  • Toe ulcers, toe necrosis, non-healing sole ulcers and white line lesions
  • Digital dermatitis; latest thoughts and best practice for control


  • The best equipment for the job
  • Knife pre-sharpening and sharpening
  • What’s new in block technology
  • Cutting discs – types and uses
  • Appraising hoof trimming
  • Refresh Dutch 5 step
  • Knife skills

We use a combination of cadaver feet (from old cull cows, so plenty of lesions) and live animals for our training with plenty of opportunity for questions and answers.

foot trimming